Tuesday, September 8, 2015

September 8, 2015

I hope everyone had a great long weekend.   The third graders are doing  a great job of
staying focused and working hard in the hot classroom!  Hopefully the heat will
break soon.  We are hard at work on our first math unit, which is a review of
addition and subtraction strategies.  In Number Corner, we are getting a preview
of multiplication.  Here is an overview of our first math unit.


Students are doing a great job with their Reading Meter Journals.  We didn't have time to
add up the total minutes from last week, but we will do that first thing tomorrow.
The goal for third graders is to read a minimum of 20 minutes each evening.  Your child
should be bringing his/her book bag to and from school each day.  The book bag should have a just right book and your child's Reading Meter Journal.  I love the enthusiasm for reading I
am seeing with this class!

On Thursday, we started with our preschool buddies.  Each week, third graders will spend time
with their buddies.  We will read together or work on a writing project!  The third graders are
excited to be the older students helping out the preschoolers!

I am hoping that by next week, I have permission to add photos to the blog!  Please
email or call with any question or concerns.

I will be sending out books orders home on Tuesday.  If your child wishes to order books,
please pay for the books with a check payable to Scholastic Reading Club.   Please do not
send cash.   I will be placing the order on Monday, September 14.

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