Sunday, September 13, 2015

Work Places and Buddies

                      We had our first Math Work Places on Thursday.  Math Work Places is an
                      opportunity to practice the math skills taught in our unit through games.
                      Here are some photos of third graders hard at work!

Emma Cait and Emma trying to figure out the probability of a number coming up.
This game requires math skills and memory!

Blast Off to Space was a big hit!

Phoenix is working hard to figure out the target number!

Holly is hard at work playing make 20.
Luke's grandmother joined in on the fun!

                           We helped our preschool buddies work on a project for Open House.
                           The third graders did the interviewing and writing for the project.  After
                           working on the project, we all ate snack together.

Luke and Phoenix reading with their buddy.

Vance and Ethan helping with the writing project.

Emma Cait does the writing and her buddy does the drawing.

Natalie asking questions.

Sophia doing a great job writing.

Emma working diligently to write down everything.

Holly and Addison happy with the almost finished project.

Everyone enjoying snack together.

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