Sunday, September 20, 2015

Open House on Thursday Night, 6:00-7:00

       Third graders have been working very hard to publish their first Narrative Writing Piece.
        We are hoping to have them done for Open House on September 24.  On Friday, we got
        so involved in writing that we forgot about snack.  When we looked at the clock, we were
        20 minutes late.  No worries, Gay saved our snacks and let us come late!

Phoenix writing about the Cliff Hanger at the Great Escape.
Can you guess what Luke's narrative is about? has something to do with fishing!

Emma Cait writing about visiting her Grandfather's shop.

Holly writing about going on a picnic at a park.

Ethan writing about going on roller coaster with his sister.

Thomas writing about an "epic prank" he played on his Uncle Henry.
Addison writing about taking her visiting Grandmother out on a boat ride.
Students hard at working writing on the computers.

            We having been learning about geography and current events with our weekly Scholastic
            News.  We learned about how teamwork helped the nation's leaders in writing the  
            constitution.  Did you know that Constitution Day was on September 17?
Ethan and Meredith partner reading.
Natalie and Luke focused on their reading.

Emma and Holly reading together.

Thomas and Jameson working hard.

        In math, we did a listen and compare dyad to share multiple ways to solve addition problems.
        Students are using their understanding of number and place value to solve math problems prior 
        to being taught the standard algorithms.  Look at all the ways the third graders solved one
        addition problem!

       We also spent time finishing our Hopes and Dreams.  We can't wait for you to see them at
       Open House.


Vance putting the finishing touches on his self portrait.

Third Graders Hopes and Dreams for the 2015-2016  school year.

    Somehow, we still found time to continue to build our reading stamina and engagement.  We will
    be choosing Book Club Books this week and starting a new literacy unit centered around character.

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