Monday, September 28, 2015

Third Graders Get Their Recorders!

      A highlight of third grade music class is learning to play the recorder.  Students were given
      recorders last Tuesday.  As students pass different levels on their recorders, they will receive
      their recorder belts.  Soon, your child will bring his/her recorder home to practice!  Here is a look
      into music class!

We completed our addition and subtraction unit of large numbers and have started our multiplication
unit!  Students have been working hard on their math facts.  The goal is for third graders to be fluent
with their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts by the end of third grader.  We make time to practice math facts each day at school.  I encourage your child to spent 10 minutes each evening reviewing math facts at home.

Natalie and Sophia quizzing each other on math facts.

Thomas working on his 4s!  "What we have to know division too!"

Luke studying away.

Jameson and Phoenix quizzing each other.

It is fun to jump rope to math facts!
We finished our first read aloud, Danny the Champion of the World.   We have started a new unit on
Character and are reading Wonder as a whole class.

Totally focused on writing!
Ethan hard at work on his book summary!

It was fun to see so many third grade families at the Open House.  The third grades loved sharing their work with family members!  Thank you for taking the time to attend the Open House.  We
have started our word work.  Your third grader has spelling words to study.  They will be bringing
home spelling words every other week.  I hope everyone has a great week.  Please email or call with any questions or concerns.
Third grade is a lot of work.

This is my narrative about Green Peppers.

We have to record our reading everyday!

"Wow!  You have been working hard."

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