Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Third Graders Begin Multiplication!

Third graders started Bridges Unit 2, Multiplication last Monday.  Here are the
third graders hard at work on the pretests for this unit.

Click the link below to view the Unit 2 parent letter.

As part of Social Studies, we are keeping up with current events through Scholastic News.  Here are photos of third graders playing the Know the News Game on the Smart Board.   It was boys against girls this week!  The game ended in tie.  We will need to have a rematch next week.
Thomas representing the boys.

Debate it for 200 points.

A little coaching from the team.

Sometimes we just have fun!  Third graders helping their preschool buddies 
write about the preschool trip to the Apple Orchard and being silly at lunch!


Emma Cait carefully recording details of the field trip.

Meredith and Emma helping their buddy add photos of the trip to her journal.

Sophia helping her buddy with her illustration.

Holly and the sisters!

Luke totally focused on writing what is buddy is dictating.

A few happy third graders at lunch time!

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