Saturday, August 29, 2015

First Week

               Third Grade is off to an excellent start.  We had a busy three days
              getting to know our new schedule and learning about the routines of
              Third Grade.  Everyone loved designing their personal writing journal.
              Thank you for taking the time to send in pictures and photos for your
              student to use.

Students loved using colorful duct tape on their journals!

We made math glyphs to learn more about our class and our mathematical preferences.

Math Glyphs

      We will begin homework this week.  Third graders have a goal of reading 100 minutes
       a week, which translates to 20 minutes a night, five days a week.  Students will be tracking
      their reading in their individual Reading Meter Journal.  Each night, they will record the pages    
      read and the amount of time spent reading.  Students should bring their Reading Meter Journal
      and book bag to and from school each day.  We are working on self selecting a "just right" book
      and reading it start to finish!  This is what the Reader Meter Journal looks like.

Reader Meter Journal Log

     Students will have a math fact envelope and individualized math facts to study each night.  We
     will also have in class time to practice math facts.  Students will progress from one set of facts
     to the next, with the goal of knowing all of their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division 
     facts by the end of the school year.  There will also be math paper homework two nights a week.
     Mondays' homework will be due on Wednesday and Wednesdays' homework will be due on 
     Friday.  Homework is never worth crying or getting upset about!  If your child is stuck on a part of  
     his/her homework, have him/her try his/her best and then bring it back to school for help.  I am   
     always available to help students!  

   I plan on beginning to post photos of students hard at work as soon as all of the permission to 
   publish paper work has been returned to Donna.  We are also looking for students 
   Summer Reading Logs to be returned to school.  

   I hope everyone has a wonderful week.  Email me at or call (352-4291 ext. 34)      
   with any questions or concerns.

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