Thursday, August 13, 2015

Third Grade Writing Journals


         I hope everyone is enjoying the last few weeks of summer.  I have been busy 
        getting the classroom  ready for the new school year.  On the first day of school,
        one of our projects will be to personalize your writing journals.  Below is a photo 
        of the journal that I created.  I will have duct tape and stickers available for you to use 
        on your journal.  Please bring in photos, magazine cut outs and any special stickers or 
        duct tape that would help make your journal special and represent you.

                      The front cover of my journal has pictures of my family and things I like to do.

The back cover shows me as a child and my family with the Newfoundland dogs that we raised!  I can't wait to see what your journal looks like.

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