Sunday, January 31, 2016

Wax Museum, Friday, March 4

Dear Families,

We finished up our Kate Messner projects and letters to her on Friday.  We are now moving into our biography work.  Each third grader has chosen a famous African American to focus on.  Students will be reading a book on their chosen person, writing a report and preparing for a presentation.  On Friday, March 4, you are invited to join us for the 3-5th Grade Wax Museum.  This is what we are asking students to do in preparation for the Wax Museum Project.

It would be appreciated if you could help your student print off 3-5 pictures from the internet related to their biography subject this week.  This will help your child get started on his/her backdrop.

On Tuesday, we will be attending a performance about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at Middlebury College.  If you have not sent in your child's permission form, please send it as soon as possible.

Wax Museum Project

                        The Wax Museum is scheduled to take place on
Friday, March 4, 2016 at 1:00 in the gym at school. 
Families are invited!

 Here’s what you will be expected to have:
·      Research Report (done mostly at school) Due: 3/1/2016
·      Backdrop (will make in class) Due: 3/3/2016
·      Costume to dress up as your person (gathered at home) Due: 3/3/2016
·      Short 4 6 sentence memorized speech which explains who you are and why you are important (written at school/memorized at home) Due: 3/4/2016

The Research:
You will be able to do some of your research at school but you will also be asked to do more at home.  You will be asked to print off 3-5 pictures from the Internet that relate to your subject. These will be used on your backdrop.  You will also be asked to practice your speech at home so that you a prepared for the museum on Friday, March 4th. 

The Costume: 
You will need to wear clothing that your subject would have worn.  You can bring in props related to your character as well.  All props need to be appropriate for school!  The costume can be simple and shouldn’t cost your family anything!  Be sure to let your teachers know if you are hoping for something in particular because we may be able to help you.

We will be finishing up Unit 4 in math this week and having a final test at the end of the week.  Here is information about our next math unit.

Math Unit 5

We will be celebrating Valentine's Day on Wednesday, February 10.  Your child is invited to bring in Valentine's Day Cards for his/her classmates.  If your child decides to participate in the card exchange, I ask that he/she brings a card for everyone in the class.  A list of names will go home with your child on Monday.

Mrs. Morrissey and I moved our Valentine Celebrations to Wednesday, because she and I will be traveling to Portland, Oregon to attend a Bridges Math Leadership Conference as part of our ACSU Math Leadership.  We thought it would be easier for everyone, to do our party before we leave.

Since there is often a lot of sweets in the cards that are exchanged,  I would like to serve a healthy snack of tortilla chips, salsa and fruit for our celebration.  If you would like to contribute an item for our snack please email me or send a note to school.

On Thursday, February 4, Kathy Clarke (Addison's Grandmother) will be joining Mrs. Jenkins to teach students about clay sculpting.  Students are encourage to wear old clothes to art class for their clay work.

I have received a few items for the Grade 3, Ice Cream Sundae basket.  We would appreciate any contributions you can make by Friday.  The school is hoping to be able to display the baskets at the Fishing Derby this weekend.

Don't forget that the Salisbury School News Letter and lunch menu is posted on the Salisbury Website.  To find these items, please follow the link below.  You need to scroll down and find "quick links" at the bottom left of the page.

Salisbury School Information


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