Sunday, February 7, 2016

Ice Skating Field Trip

Dear Families,

The Friends of the Salisbury Community School are sponsoring an ice skating trip on Friday, February 12.  Buses will leave school at 12:15 p.m. and return for the end of the day dismissal.  Please return your child's signed permission form to school by Friday.  Students may bring their own skates or rent skates for $2.00.  Parents are welcome to join us for this fun event.  We could use extra hands skating with kids and helping kids get their skates on and off.  We encourage students to bring helmets for skating.  Any kind of helmet will work!  Students should also remember to bring hats, mittens, long socks and snow pants.

We will be celebrating Valentine's Day on Wednesday, February 10th.  Your child may bring his/her Valentine Cards to school anytime.  We plan to have a healthy snack for this event.  I am still looking for a few volunteers to send in a fruit or vegetable.  Please let me know if you would like to contribute to our celebration.

Third Graders had a fantastic time making clay animal sculptures with our visiting artist, Kathy Clarke.  (Also known as Addison's grandmother!)

We will be working on the back drops for the Wax Museum this week.  If you are able to help your child print out photos of his/her biography subject, your help would be greatly appreciated!  Your child will need the photos by Wednesday.

Have a great week and wonderful February Vacation!

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