Friday, January 8, 2016

Math Fun!

Dear Families,

We have had a great week in third grade.  We are currently working on finding the mass of objects using balance scales and finding the liquid volume of a variety of containers.  We managed to estimate and find actual measurements of a variety of containers without getting too wet!

Third graders have been doing an excellent job remember to bring their Kate Messner books to and from school!  We are working hard to finish our books by her visit on January 20th!  Students have been invited to fill out an application to have lunch with Kate Messner on the 20th.  I have received application from several third graders.

Everyone has a lot to pack up at the end of the day now that it is boot, snow pants, hats and mitten time.  Often, third grades do not want to put on all of their gear at the end of the day.  Luke has an excellent idea for transporting his gear to and from school.  I encourage everyone to pack a reusable bag, since it is hard to fit all of the winter items into the backpacks!

A reusable bag makes hauling winter items easy!

Book orders were sent home today.  If you child wishes to order, please return his/her order to school by Friday, January 15.  Please do not send cash.  You may pay for the entire order with one check made out to Scholastic Reading Club.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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