Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Third Graders Get Vampire Teeth

Third Graders showing their teeth.

We have started our new Informational Text Unit.  As part of this unit, we will be studying about the history of Thanksgiving.  We will be looking at some of the facts and myths around the Thanksgiving
story.  Today, we did a "graffiti" activity where students worked in teams to record what the words Pilgrim, Mayflower and Thanksgiving meant to them.  It will be interesting to see how their ideas change form the beginning of this unit to the end of the unit.  As part of our work, third graders will be reading a non-fiction book, What Was the First Thanksgiving?   Students have been asked to read from page 1-21, for their reading homework.  This reading needs to be completed by Thursday.

Last week, we had a great time decorating pumpkins and gourds with our preschool buddies.  We also had the chance to decorate cookies!

That is one decorated cookie!

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