Sunday, October 25, 2015

October 26, 2015

Dear Families,

I hope everyone had a great weekend.  Third grade continues to be a busy place.  We are completing our first multiplication unit tomorrow.  On Tuesday, third graders will be taking a post test on Unit 2, Multiplication and Division.  Unit 3, will be a Multi-Digit Addition and Subtraction Unit.  This will be the last major addition and subtraction unit.  After this unit, we will spend the majority of the year immersed in geometry, fractions, multiplication and division.  During this unit, students will be taught traditional algorithms for addition and subtraction.

Attached is the parent letter for Unit 3.

Unit 3

I am looking forward to meeting parents for Goal Setting Conferences over the next couple of weeks.  If you have not sent back your conference time form, please do as soon as possible.  You may also call or email me to set up a time.  Your child is welcome to attend his/her conference or you may attend the conference without your child.  In March, your child will lead the conference and share with you his/her progress towards meeting his/her goals.

We continue to have a great time with our preschool buddies.  On Thursday, we read our buddies Halloween stories and helped them write about their favorite part in their journals.  This Thursday, we plan to do pumpkin painting and cookie decoration.  Please let me know if you have an extra pumpkin to donate for this project.

We enjoyed a Fire Safety Presentation on Friday.  Students were reminded to talk to their families about a fire safety plan and a safe place to meet outside of the house in the event of an emergency.

Vance climbing on the fire truck.

Luke talking with his favorite fireman.

Sophia on the fire truck


John Nuceder spraying the hose.

I hope everyone has a great week.  Please call with any questions or concerns.

The entire second and third grade class.

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