Sunday, November 29, 2015

Is It Really December?

 Dear Families,

It is hard to believe that we are almost ready to turn the calendar to December.  I hope everyone enjoyed the Thanksgiving vacation.  Third Graders worked very hard to finish up their non-fiction book projects on the Tuesday before vacation.  I was very impressed with the focus and perseverance of all of the third graders.  We will continue to work hard and stay academically focused during the 3 weeks until the December break.

In math, we will be completing our addition and subtraction of mulitdigit numbers unit and focusing on fractions and multiplication with our December Number Corner Work.  Many third graders are making excellent progress with their multiplication facts.  Please encourage your student to continue to work on his/her multiplication facts for 5 to 10 minutes each evening.

In Literacy, we will be focusing on the different types of non-fiction text, in preparation for our upcoming biography and research units.  In addition, students will be choosing a novel that they will be reading at home and school over the next three weeks.  Students will be doing a book project with this novel.  The book project will be due on Friday, December 18th.  There will be time at school to read the book and work on the project, so students should bring their books and projects to and from school each day.

Please call with any questions or concerns.

Photo of the December Book Project

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