Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Sheburne Farms Field Trip

Dear Families,

We will be leaving for Shelburne Farms at 8:15, tomorrow morning.  We plan to return to school in time for the end of the day dismissal.  Please have your child dress to be outside in the Wetlands.   The farms is an environmental education center.  If students are bringing lunch from home, Shelburne Farms encourages students to pack their lunch in reusable containers.  They will need to pack in, pack out their trash.

Image result for reusable lunch containers

What to bring:  Students should bring a snack, lunch, and water bottle. Weather permitting, we will be eating a picnic lunch on the grounds by the lake.  (If your child ordered the school snack and lunch we will be providing food for your child.)

What to wear:  As you know, weather can be unpredictable.  Students and chaperones should wear clothing, boots or old shoes that they can expect to get muddy.   Students may want to  bring a change of shoes, dress in layers and bring a raincoat.           

Friday is our Tennis Day!

On Friday, we will be leaving school at 9:30 a.m. to walk the bridges in Middlebury.  If it is raining, we will spend time at the Ilsley Library reading and having lunch.  At 12:30, we will go to Middlebury Indoor Tennis for a tennis lesson.  Tennis balls and racquets will be provided for students.  Students should wear sneakers and dress in clothes that they can run around in.   If your child ordered school snack and lunch, we will be providing food for your child.



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